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Content Marketing

Marketing rule Number 4: blaze your trail online

There is absolutely no point to content marketing unless you have a clear goal about what you're trying to achieve. 

If we go with small business marketing guru, John Jantsch's definition of marketing - to get a customer to know, like and trust us so they will buy, repeat and ultimately refer us - then any effort you make with content marketing should be aiming to achieve just that. Get more clients.

Content marketing can build trust and confidence in your prospective customer so that they convert to becoming one of your valued customers. Think about it. If you want to know something, it is highly likely that you'll search for your answer on the web. If you search on the web for say, "What is risk management?" and our client has the best answer to this question on their blog, then their result will come up.

The trick with content marketing is that it requires a concerted effort on many fronts.

  1. You need to know what people are searching for.
  2. You need high quality, original content and a website that is optimised for search engines.
  3. You need the ability to share this content (social media) and draw them into your website to learn more about you.

Sound easy? It's not. Trust us, we've spent a lot of time researching this. However it is worth the effort because, no matter what type of organisation you have, your online presence is one of the most likely ways you will be found today and in the future.

Now a match made in heaven is when you marry your online content marketing with your offline marketing efforts. This is where you can gain real marketing momentum.

A word of warning - lead generation does not happen over night. In fact this is a long term strategy however you will build your authority and market presence. And that will build trust.

So when someone is comparing you and a competitor who isn't able to build their trust online, you're going to win the race. It's in our human nature. If you feel like you know someone better (and can trust them and like what they offer and represent), you'll go with them.

Wildmoon will help you build your content marketing platform based around optimised content for your target audience. We will then help you develop your social media model so you can share this content and build an audience for your content and ultimately, your services, products or cause. There's a lot to building your content marketing machine, but as we said, this is now the future of marketing and it's here to stay.

We're here to help make it happen.

CONTACT US TODAY TO FIND OUT HOW WILDMOON CAN HELP WITH YOUR content marketing strategy - 08 9383 2676.